By encouraging the interdisciplinary dialogue between verticals, we train architects, engineers, facility managers, planners, security and other professionals involved in the building design process on how to integrate security technologies into new construction and major renovation projects.
Architect and engineering firms seek our advice when solving security engineering issues during the design process, both for new construction and during major renovation projects. We provide cost effective mitigation strategies addressing the whole instead of providing protection options piecemeal. Decision-makers prefer our prioritized approach, because it allows them to budget short term and forecast long term, and implement solutions as funds become available.
We have a cadre of security experts in a myriad of disciplines, to include but not limited to; antiterrorism and physical security training (multi-year award winning), campus security planning development with multi-discipline systems integration (single or multi-building), facility design planning and construction review, guard service operations, information and operations protection, operational technology system (formerly known as electronic security systems [ESS]) design and usage, physical security design and application, vulnerability and risk assessment (award winning proprietary methodologies).
Our proprietary risk analysis methodologies go beyond Federal, State and locally mandated regulations in assessing physical security vulnerabilities of buildings and compounds, and their supporting energy systems. Our formulas provide unique cost benefit analyses based on risk reduction and not necessarily project costs. Therefore decision-makers can implement solutions which affect the highest number of people first.